This plant has all of the environmental safeguards built into it from the very beginning; the safeguards which are absent from the old coal-fired power stations and even from the existing motorway tunnels here in Sydney. The level of emissions are below the limits set out by all NSW, Australian and European directives.
More than 2,000 facilities around the world use the same technology as the one we propose. The plant has no cooling towers and it doesn't rely on being near a river or lake or the ocean. Unlike other forms of electricity generation, it doesn't require stock piles of coal or create unsightly slag heaps of residue. It perfectly suits the Australian landscape and the Australian environment.
It’s of the utmost importance, not just to stakeholders, but to the Western Sydney community, that we operate a safe and efficient facility. This is why automatic continuous emission monitoring will be in place as an added safeguard to ensure that the health of the community is protected. The NSW EPA will have 24/7 online access to the facility and may intervene at any time.
Regardless of EPA supervision, the technology provides that any deviation from appropriate standards will bring about an automated shutdown of the facility.
All of the expert assessments of the potential for risk to human health have returned positive results in the low / acceptable risk category.
The Next Generation Energy from Waste facility seeks to only benefit Western Sydney and greater NSW, with as little cost to the community as possible.
To ensure this, we’ve run multiple and thorough assessments of the potential impact of our facility on the area, all of which have returned positive results. Potential risk to human health from odour, noise, ozone, hazards, soil and water were considered to be low and acceptable in a risk assessment completed by AECOM. Another found the development well separated from residential uses and posing NO adverse impact to residential properties.